I enjoy psychology for many scientific and philosophical reasons. With that aside, here are a few quotes and reasons why this page was made.
"When people smile and laugh, I smile and laugh too. People that are happy make me happy. And the opposite also applies." -Dave Serfozo-
"The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another." -James Matthew Barrie-
Ryan told me he's thinking about keeping a journal of his dreams. That made me think of a new web page I was going to make. I was excited at first, thinking it would be interesting to post my dreams online because I often have very vivid and detailed dreams., but I no longer will do this because recently Michael Harness plagiarized my artwork in Sunday's October 20th 2002, Ohio's "The Morning Journal." That was eye opening! I'll now be cautious about the things I'll post online, especially my dreams, because most of the stories I'm working on are highly influenced by them. I take great pride in my subconscious life/mind.
I'm obsessed with the land of dreams, finding them philosophical, spiritual, insightful, very important, and more. So, I'm going to document only two short dreams to prove a point. To make this shorter, I'm not going to type all the dream details. I'll start off with two old dreams and then explain the dream psychology behind them. After telling the dream, I'll explain what the dream symbolized. Note: I found "A dictionary of Dream Symbols" by Eric Ackroyed to be a good beginners guide towards learning about dream psychology!
The Ropes (2000)
I'm beneath the night sky filled with bright stars. I'm standing in the middle of a huge wheat field. I don't feel the calm wind, yet the wind is making the wheat crop swirl around my legs. I walk toward the edge of the crop and notice a rope (in the shape of a square) all the way round the field of grain. The rope is levitated, ankle high, and thick. A woman walks up to me from the opposite side of the rope. She's beautiful and dressed in elegant clothing of earthly colors. I know she's a witch. No conversation is exchanged as she takes hold of the rope, gathers it up, and places it in a pile directly in the center of the field. The rope is piled in a mound and then set on fire. -End of dream.-
Dreams can be interpreted in many ways. It all depends on the person and what's going on in their life during that moment in time. With that in mind, this is what the dream meant...
-What it meant- I feel alone and that I feel I can't exceed my unknown boundaries. I walk to the edge of the field and stop, noticing the boundary (the rope). I can't pass. The rope is there and taken down by another person and set on fire. The rope in the dream represents the boundaries I've created, so the boundaries I have created were being destroyed (set on fire) and I was set free to open my mind to new possibilities. This dream took place just as I started college in 2000. I left parts of the story out and other symbols and meanings from this dream just to make this interpretation short. Other parts of this dream represented people I know, thoughts I now understand, etc.
The Hole (August 2002)
I'm in a cavern underground looking up through a hole leading to the surface of the Earth. The hole isn't dirt, but something rocky such as a cave. I look up. I then feel a friend behind me. A wise man that I trust. We begin to float up from the cave to the surface of the Earth. Later, kneeling on the grass, I then look down the hole. It's black. I have a little piece of brown paper in my hand. I light it with a match. At first the fire starts going out, but then catches. I say, "Watch this." I drop the fire in the hole. As the little piece of paper falls, the fire grows bigger more than scientifically possible. As the small paper/fire hits the bottom of the cave, the cave explodes into another dimension. A swirl of elegant colors and images. It looks almost heavenly.
-What it meant- That moment of time I was going through a quick depression (the black hole I was walking in). I had a friend help me through it. Getting over the emotions (rising from the hole and lighting the fire and dropping it into the hole) I then look at what I was depressed about (losing the past, looking at it as a bad thing) until I was able to see it in a very healthy positive way (the beautiful dimension almost heavenly). The new way I looked at life and the past was upsetting me during this time. This dream occurred during a transitional stage when my mother sold her house, Summer ended and Fall began, I started new classes, thought my dog was going to die, etc. I felt like I didn't have control over my existence for a few days, but got through it with the help of friends/family and the help from understanding this dream...
The point to this is, is how dreams are valuable accepts many of us devalue or don't take seriously. Every dream is valuable and meaningful. From the simple dream involving sex to the dream where you wake up and think, "What the Hell was that all about?" I like to look at dreams as distorted mirror images of life, or life as a distorted mirror images of dreams. I hope this makes you all consider remembering and evaluating your dreams more often.
  "I am a man, and men are animals who tell stories. This is a gift from God, who spoke our species into being, but left the end of our story untold. That mystery is troubling to us. How could it be otherwise? Without the final part, we think, how are we to make sense of all that went before: which is to say, our lives? So we make stories of our own, in fevered and envious imitation of our Maker, hoping that we'll tell, by chance, what God left untold. And finishing our tale, come to understand why we were born." -Prologue to Sacrament- This part of the Alien Orthodox site includes a select few descriptions that involve a few stories I'm working on and/or thinking about in my everyday life. This page simply acts as my personal motivational tool. I put these words and pictures here so my imagination will motivate my fingers to write and think about the human existence. Fetal Sect Fetal Sect is a collection of many short stories I'm working on. All the Fetal Sect stories were inspired by dreams I've had. A wide range of plots are involved here; from aliens, other dimensions, romance, God, soul mates, monsters, and other twisted adventures. (More detailed explanations will come) (Pictures below) |