This thought/opinion is not just about 9-11-01 it also involves past and future wars (Written January 2002)
When America became part of WWII, the government felt no choice but to drop the atomic bomb on Heroshima. The American government
(days before their attack) let loose pamphlets over Heroshima warning all who saw them, to evacuate the city. President Franklin
D. Roosevelt wanted to persuade the Japanese Empire to surrender the war but the Japanese refused. With nothing left to do,
to save countless lives, and what America considers freedom, the Enola Gay took off with the first bomb to destroy an entire
city killing many innocent people, then days later, another bomb was dropped, ending the war. September
11, 2001 America becomes attacked by terrorists! No warning was given to the cities or the rest of the American population.
Thoughts of hate, ignorance, political and religious prejudices came to America opening the public eye to many new fears and
confusions. These terrorist attacks weren't done to end a war though, it created one in many ways. Myself, including others
fear a new war beginning. We're scared, not knowing what will come next. I asked my father as I drove him home from work,
"Are you ready to become judged?" He says, "Yes" to me, and I feel the same. I became numb that day, ready
for death. I was ready to fight and die for every thought, experience, and faith I've ever had towards the American lifestyle
I've experienced, and I still do. I never formed hate though that day, not even towards the man who organized
the attack. Hate brings carelessness. To protect your views and to organize a counterattack, a well thought out plan is needed.
I know this. Respect the enemy, learn everything you can, become friends if possible, then, strike when they least expect
it. This thought is different from what happened on September eleventh, I know, I know immediate action needed to take place.
But then a few days and now months pass bye. A few days after the attack took place my emotions began
trying to make sense in the turmoil. A few days after the attack, the news/media became a huge part in creating fear and organized
pride within the American people. I saw this, as did others whom have always been patriotic. I was glad, but I also became
sick to my stomach towards those Americans. I ask these many people which I now call Born again Americans... if you purchased
a flag after 9-11-01, I ask you... "Why didn't you have one before?" I've never received patriotic e-mails
in the past like I did that first week of September eleventh. Why weren't they sent before? And why don't I see them now?
9-11-01, It's funny listening to the news this week, all of a sudden we no longer have African Americans, Asian Americans
etc. We are all Americans. Weren't we all to begin with? -Terri Baughman-
We say glibly that in the United States of America all men are free and equal, but do we treat them as if they were?
There is religious and racial prejudice everywhere in the land, and if there is a greater obstacle anywhere
to the attainment of the teamwork we must have, no one knows what it is. Arthur Upham Pope, Chairman of the Committee
for National Morale, in America Organizes to Win the War
I've realized that all these people now having patriotic beliefs and flags hanging on their automobiles, houses, etc., are
a good example of a select few (millions of) people who took the American gift for granted. If you're not offended by what
I say, that's because you know you've always been patriotic or genuinely appreciated the lifestyle past soldiers fought to
give you. (Or maybe you just don't care what a stranger says?) If you are offended, I'm thinking that means that you're
one of those people who neglected the freedom of America and hate the fact that I'm making a point out of it.
My friend Ryan Daugherty (whose grandfather fought in WWII) came up with a thought over a year ago that he wanted
to post on my site, but never did. The thought was going to be called, "America the Ungrateful." This thought was
going to include the simple things in life we should all be thankful for, being an American. Things we shouldn't take for
granted such as; a hot shower, soap, clean water, and stores filled with fresh food. This thought can't be posted now though
because people's eyes have been opened by 9-11-01, or have they? The week after September 11,
2001 I saw many students at my local community college creating chalk drawings of symbolic patriotic thoughts in the school-yard-square.
It was covered with beautiful pictures that I would have enjoyed admiring at any other time, except this time, because I knew
why they were doing it. A few days later when the rain came down and washed their beautiful, military, inspirational, and
patriotic art away, I haven't seen a simple drawing of an American flag or symbol since. What does this tell you? Are
the newspaper-flags people taped on their automobile windows decomposing already? Have you recently thought about what millions
of strangers have given to you... about what the veterans of war have given to you? Do people think about this everyday just
as I do? What does it mean to others to be patriotic? Does it mean having respect, love, sympathy, pride, or gratitude for
the country? I know what it has meant to me for years so I guess it's all too very personal for me to ask anyone else.
I looked at most of the people I named, so called born again Americans as "hypocrites" but
I do understand their quick transformation.
Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth." -Susan
L. Taylor-
I put that quote on my Alien Orthodox quote page not long before 9-11-01 took place. I did that because years ago I went through
a depression, and when I saw that quote, I developed a relationship with it. After I worked through my silly depression, I
realized how my misery opened my eyes to the world. It made me respect and think about everything I'm thankful for on a daily
basis. That depression I went through however is senseless to the tragedy of September eleventh. I'm just glad that I had
America in my heart before 9-11-01 happened. It lets me know that what I feel in my heart is real. That I think the way I
want to think and not just following what media propaganda tells me to do.
Civilians must have the war brought home to them. Every individual must be made to see the immediacy of the danger to
him... He must be made to understand that he is an integral part of the war front, and that if he loses the
war, he loses everything. Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry Office of War Information
So many people exist simply as cattle. My brother even told me a few times, "People are like sheep wanting to be lead."
That is so sad but so true. So many people are looking to be guided, do need to be guided, and to be told what to think. So
many people find it hard to explore their hearts, their purpose in life, or to understand the truths about themselves. For
example: after the attacks I heard strangers and friends say media driven garbage like, "We need to kill those towel
heads! We need to send our troops to bomb their asses!" Or better yet, "We need to go bomb their asses!"
I mentally shook my head in disagreement towards these thoughts. First off, American soldiers are not your troops
at all. The soldiers (belong) to uh, your government. And the government has changed since the original philosophy of E. Pluribus
Unum. Don't let them put shit into your heads. Yes America is still a melting pot of cultures, religions, etc., but the people
no longer control the government, the government is now all about controlling the people. Perhaps that's what they started
as? I don't know, but I'd do the same if I were in their shoes. I'm sure many others would too. I also wanted
to puke in peoples faces when they'd repeat what the news continuously farted. "All those fire fighters and police officers
are heroes." Or, "Remember all those who died." Okay! First off, in my mind, police officers and fire fighters
have always been heroes. Is this a new concept? I thought that was a given ever since their occupation was created? Did I
miss something? And about the remembering the dead thing: I've been learning from the living and the dead for years... why
would I stop now? Do people really need to be reminded not to forget the past... to try and learn to grow from it? To me that's
like telling someone... Oh, by the way, don't forget to breathe. I haven't had anyone tell me to my
face that they want a war, but if they did, I'd tell them to sign up in the military. Maybe that would change their mind.
It's easy to say, "Send thousands of Americans (strangers) that are willing to fight and die for me." But, are you
willing to die for yourself?
I give respect and think... realizing all that have died for this country are Saviors in my life. My father was in the military.
I cried when I thought my brother was going to be shipped in Desert Storm. And, as I cried listening to the war song (The
Star Spangled Banner) being played at a gathering I was attending when I was in the seventh grade, I had no idea if my cousin
was dead trying to fight in that war on the U.S.S. Saratoga. Do you want to say good-bye to your mother, father, brother,
sister, son, daughter, relative, or friend as they leave to go into war? I'd hate to tell people I know someone who died fighting
in a war, or trying to explain the mental trauma people have after a war, especially a war these days. In
the past it seemed war had some form of purpose. War was about conquering a civilization, or protecting freedom in a civilization.
Now, to me, it's mostly about politics... money. Fighting for your freedom and the freedom of your neighbors is one thing
(just as this war against terrorist attacks) but you have to question when you're simply fighting another war for your government's
interest to make money from the public, "the mindless consumer." Network Propaganda controls most
of your lives. If you don't believe that, just view the recommendation I state below. Many American soldiers didn't even want
to fight in WWII, but propaganda saved America by influencing the soldiers to fight for their freedom and the freedom we all
have now. Media is both a blessing and a curse to me... we just need to know when to follow and when to lead.
The Alien Orthodox recommend seeing: Walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers: World War II: The propaganda
battle. 52 min 1984 PBS Studies the principles and psychological effects of propaganda and provides rare interviews
with the two key players in the first large-scale propaganda battle in history: popular movie director Frank Capra, who created
the "Why We Fight" series, and chief Nazi filmmaker Fritz Hippler. I'm sure you can find it or reserve it
in your local library.
We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression--everywhere
in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear . . . anywhere in
the world. -President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Message to Congress, January 6, 1941-
Click here if you want to hear this excerpt
from President Roosevelt's address (920K AVI File).
The posters (pictures I used on this page)are from when the United States Government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign
to galvanize public support in World War II. The pictures and audio file has been provided by the site below. Just click
on the yellow letters below.
"Life is a war, and in the end, we are only fighting ourselves" (The Alien Orthodox)
"How different the new order would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician." -Henry
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions
a quotation." -Oscar Wilde-
"Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."
-Adlai Stevenson-
Click here and read Dave Brockie's very interesting insighful thoughts about 9/11/01