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Updated: 3-10-03


David Allan Serfozo's Alien Orthodox Symbols Explained

The Alien Orthodox symbol happened by chance
just as most of my projects do. 
I just do/start things and go with the flow
without knowing the final outcome.
Doodling one day, I started making lines on a scrap piece of paper.
All of the sudden the chaotic scratches started making sense to me. 
This is the first version of the Alien Orthodox symbol.
I'll now break down what each part means.
I'd like to think this summarizes what the Alien Orthodox philosophy means to me.

The Alien Orthodox symbols may be controversial or confusing at first,
so let me explain what a few of them mean. 
Above is the mark of the Alien Orthodox.
It stands for many things all together,
so let me break it down for those of you who'd like to understand.

This first part of the symbol is broken down into four directions.
i.e. North, South, East, and West.
The basic directions of guiding our self on this planet.
Remember the Earth is spherical, so if you spin this part of the symbol
you'd find all the infinite directions involved within your life.
This also includes thoughts or actions involving the
Past, Present, and Future.

A channel or direct course of thought or action.

The next symbol is a line going up and down.
On top of the line an upside down triangle points down and on the bottom a triangle is pointing up.
This to me represents science.
Science usually works from the bottom up or from the top down
to better understand new discoveries,
which involve theories and research about the universe.

Knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws.


Next we have my altered (Greek) symbol used to represent the world of
psychology. Nurture and nature is a huge part of psychology when it comes to understanding the human existence. Opening your mind to learn from your personal feelings and the feelings other people have is truly a valuable gift in life.

The study of the mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or activity.

Extreme and painful punishment, affliction, or suffering.

The cross within the Alien Orthodox symbol represents the necessary
and dedicated acceptance towards all worldly faiths.
When I see the cross, I feel it's necessary to point out that no faith or belief on this planet deserves to be crucified. The human race should understand that it has the right to be as free as it has ever been, and that every person has the freedom to believe what they wish.

Faith implies certitude and full trust and confidence
in the source whether there be objective evidence or not.

In the fifth picture we see an image of two horizontal arrows with a thick vertical bar in the center. These symbolize the body with opened arms and the idea to open your mind to new ideas you've never understood or heard of. This thought deals with learning about and understanding other's views and philosophies.

Philosophy: The most general beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group. 
Philosophy literally means "The love/pursuit of wisdom."

The final picture is the smallest element of the Alien Orthodox symbol,
yet it's the most important. This picture represents the scale.
This symbol holds within itself how a sense of balance needs to exist within every dissected symbol above. This is the foundation that helps me understand that the thinking-life is best lived through balancing all the directions within existing, science, psychology, faith, and philosophy. Without the balance, all the other elements may explode or simply die.

The equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements.

The current remake of the design.

David Allan Serfozo