Do you know anyone who tries to push their thoughts and/or experiences on you? I know
people like that. In a way I kind of do that here. Ever wonder why people do this?
My uncle Joe has said, "I think everyone should sign up for the military for at least
two years." My brother Darrin agrees. I understand what they mean and why they say that. It would help some people grow to
learn and appreciate life more. Thinking about this, it made me remember something from when I was in my late teens.
When I was an ignorant eighteen-year-old I met a woman living in Michigan. I visited for
awhile and was introduced to many members of her family. One of her aunts asked me, "Are you going to go to college." I said,
"No." And in my mind I thought, "I don't need college. I'm an artist and I'm going to be in GWAR!" The aunt said, "I think
everyone should go to college for at least two years." I thought, "No, I don't need it. I'm an artist."
So now that I've been going to college for over two years, I now agree that, "Everyone
should go to college for at least two years." College helped expand my mind and helped me understand so many interesting things.
I believe many people think this way when it involves their experiences. We'd like others
to learn and understand our personal thoughts and lives. Someone who's been in the military may say others should join the
military. Someone who's in college may say others should go to college. It goes on and on. The scientist may want others to
be into science, the religious person may want others join their organization, or the person who enjoys golf may want others
to golf with him. Someone may tell you to go see this movie, listen to this song, watch this show, etc. The list goes
on forever.
I believe we all do this because all of us have had some experience
that influenced our life in some positive way! So with that in mind, we only want to share our experience to
help influence others in a positive way. Have you ever done this? It's a questionable way to give another person a gift. A
gift that helped that person in their life and now they'd like to pass it on. In all honesty, that's another reason I write
my thoughts online. I'm trying to give back what has helped me. Experiences simply bring us together and I love that gift.
We can never experience everything that other people experience. That's the beautiful
art of life. I may never specialize in the cosmos or space exploration, but those who become masters in that field can teach
me the basics to help me understand and/or grasp the most important concepts. What I learn I enjoy telling others, and people
teach me what they have learned about life. I encourage others to do this more. Most people want others to experience what
they've been through because it helped them in life, bettered them as a person, and/or made them happier. I believe we all
should do this... Teach what we learn... to help the world travel in a more positive direction.