Alien Orthodox
Chambers of Thoughts

My Alien Orthodox
Art of Life
My Inspirations
A Few Poems
Helping Others
Human Animals
Society's Curse
The Iron Giant
Our Dead Smiles
Mental Chaos
People can Help
We All Fall
True Friendship
The 4th of July
Old Wars/New Wars
American History
Future Heroes
Why Accept It
Symbols Explained
My Alien Orthodox
Friend's Quotes
Quotes I Enjoy

My philosophy on Religions:

I didn't create the Alien Orthodox to force my beliefs on others, have a following or anything crazy like that. When the subject involves philosophy/religion, I have my own ideas, and I find it beautiful when others create their own too. The Alien Orthodox is basically the legal title I use to represent myself and my personal philosophy where I struggle in the attempt to learn, understand, and explore more about myself, people, societies, religions, and the many other mysteries in this life we all live in.

I don't worship aliens as some people may think from the "Alien Orthodox" title or pictures I use. I only use the symbol to emphasize how we are all aliens in this world, to each other, and most importantly, to the mysteries of the human soul/mind. In fact, I don't believe in worship. I have nothing against other people worshipping, but I've mentally put myself in the shoes of many mythological and religious gods. If I were a loving god, creating mankind in my image and wanting them to think for them selves... then having people get to their knees, perform rituals, and having them serve me would be the last thing I'd want them to do. I find that degrading. In a way, it's just another form of slavery... a monarchy if you will.

I'd like to see people control their own souls and follow their own conclusions whether or not they agree with my own. I believe religious icons and visionaries from the past had that same idea. Martin Luther King, Socrates, and Jesus of Nazareth all broke away from the mindless slavery of the popular opinion, laws of governing, and religions that tend to create boundaries in all of our lives. They all looked at life, saw something they wanted, and created or changed something from their own conclusion. Martin Luther King took actions to fight against racism, Socrates opening people's minds helping many question authority and life itself, and Jesus took what he observed and developed a new idea of peace and tolerance. These visionaries, and icons similar to them, took an existing idea and either changed it or evolved something new from it. I hope many remember how their thoughts and concepts never existed before their time... so why stop now with the evolution of ideas?

When it comes to other religions/philosophies, I find that they are all respectable guides that can help people through hard times, give people hope, and they attempt to form an explanation to the many mysteries within this land. Religion may be a good path to take, but I believe the religious path should end at some point, and that you should begin to create your own... just as pioneers of thought and philosophy did in the past. (Martin Luther King, Socrates, and Jesus of Nazareth) It's just like growing up, leaving the family, and creating a family of your own. In other words, religions rarely advance new ideas these days. People no longer want to explore a new road for themselves. Many people find comfort in just accepting the ideas from another people's mind. Allowing your entire life and imagination to become restricted by the laws of a religion that was established years and years and years before you were even born is ludicrous to my views. So many boundaries have been created. These boundaries need to be destroyed so we can explore what's beyond the thoughts we know. Religions to me need to evolve just as humanity and technology has evolved. Positive change is something you can not and should not try to stop... especially when it involves advancing into a new plain of healthier expressions and ideas.

Just as I was typing before...
I believe thoughts, philosophies, and religions were meant to be guides...
to help us get from the old road and onto a new road.
"Learn what you can from every road, including roads you'd rather not explore, and use your power to build upon the knowledge you've learned."

We need to build are own roads and stop finding or looking for paths billions of people have already stepped on. Find a road that guides you to an unknown clearing. Take the land you see and build a house. If the house already exists, then build a castle. If a castle exists, build yourself an empire leading you to a higher realm. Why should we simply live in a land that has been given to you? Why only consume a religion that was handed to you on a nice little platter with a side dish of unanswered questions? And, about all these contradictions and unanswered questions many religions have... I believe this side dish of questions was purposely made as a dissert... so you will have the passion and curiosity to explore what's never been seen. Those unanswered questions are unanswered I believe, to show us that religions/philosophies are incomplete without our personal contributions. So we can learn from our own thoughts and teach people more before we die through evolving thoughts and ideas. No religion will ever be completed as long as mankind continues to explore his own mind/soul. I believe it was meant to be that way. And I like it that way. I find it interesting. We can continue to build and do so much more with all of this. At least I hope we can.

As you can see, even though I do not follow an organized faith, I am very pro-religion (except when it turns people into zombies) and I look forward to when humanity explores and teaches new thoughts that older religions left untold. I guess this thought conclusion is just about how I believe we need to learn from our world's past wars, religions, societies, inventions and more... then continue adding to our small stepping stone of science and philosophy. That's what I'm trying to do.